Your Antibiotic's Best Friend
It is well known that antibiotics kill the good and bad bacteria in our guts but did you know that they also deplete important nutrients like calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, folate, biotin, and vitamin k?Your antibiotic's best friend is specifically designed to replenish the nutrients depleted by antibiotics while also rebuilding your microbiome. Month one focuses on replenishing the many valuable nutrients depleted as well as the good bacteria. The second month is designed to build up those good buddies as well as support your intestinal lining.
"Alii was one of those supplements that I never knew how much I needed and how much I was missing out. Within days I felt just overall better and happier and throughout my first month I have felt more energized, rested, and healthier. So grateful that I found Alii."
improved GI symptoms
increased energy
less mood swings
recommend to friends & family
*reported by customers surveyed

Why You Need Alii Supplement if You Are on Hormonal Birth Control
If you’re on hormonal birth control, Alii is here to support your health in ways you might not realize you need. Hormonal contraceptives deplete vital nutrients like B vitamins, magnesium, and zinc—nutrients essential for energy, mood stability, and overall well-being. They also disrupt your gut microbiome, which can lead to digestive issues, weakened immunity, and hormone imbalances. Alii is specifically designed to replenish these nutrients, support gut health, and help counteract the negative effects of birth control on your body. It’s not just about filling in the gaps; it’s about empowering you to feel your best while staying on your chosen method of contraception.